The Etruscan School

Artists Associated with the Etruscan School

Links to Related Material


Agresti, Olivia Rossetti. Giovanni Costa, his life, work, and times. London: Gay, 1907.

Cartwright, Julia. “Giovanni Costa. Patriot and Painter.” The Magazine of Art VI (1883): 24-31.

The Etruscan School. London: The Fine Art Society, 1976.

Harrison, Colin and Christopher Newall. “Giovanni Costa and The Etruscans – Painters of the Italian Landscape.” The Pre-Raphaelites and Italy. Oxford: Ashmolean Museum, 2010. 155-182.

Newall, Christopher. The Etruscans: Painters of the Italian Landscape 1850-1900. Stoke on Trent City Museum and Art Gallery, 1989.

Pieri, Giuliana: “Nino Costa and Pre-Raphaelite Landscape.” Chapter 4 in The Influence of Pre-Raphaelitism on Fin de siècle Italy. Oxford: Maney Publishing, 2007.

Pieri, Giuliana. “Giovanni Costa and George Howard: Art, Patronage and Friendship.” The Volume of the Walpole Society LXXVI (2014): 289-307.

“The Royal Academy.” The Saturday Review I (May 27, 1871): 666-67.

“The Royal Academy. Second Notice.” The Art Journal New Series X (June 1, 1871): 176-77.

Surtees, Virginia. The Artist and the Autocrat. Salisbury, Wiltshire: Michael Russell Publishing Ltd., 1988.

Last modified 22 December 2022