Walter Paget's plates for Thomas Hardy's The Pursuit of the Well-Beloved appeared in eleven parts in the Illustrated London News between 1 October and 17 December 1892 with twenty-two plates and a headpiece.
Mr. Thomas Hardy, The Novelist (photographic portrait)
Part the First. Plate 1: By This Time He Had Begun To Experience A Sentimental Feeling for the Letters.
Plate 2: The Sea Roared and Splashed Now as It Did When They Visited It Together as Children.
Part 2: Plate 3: He Looked at His Watch by the Aid of a Light.
Plate 4: Jocelyn Began His Narrative.
Part 3: Plate 5: "I Have Told My Husband Everything, and He Is Looking Over My Shoulder as I Write."
Plate 6: Jocelyn Sprung Up To Leave the Room.
Part 4: Plate 7: The portraits, taken by the last fashionable photographer, were very good, and he told her so.
Plate 8: He moved back to the church wall, warm from the afternoon sun, and sat down upon a window-sill facing the grave.
Part 5: Plate 9: Pearston knocked at the door of the minute freehold. The girl herself opened it, lamp in hand.
Plate 10: Walking in the grounds towards the gate he saw Avis entering to the house with a broad oval wicker-basket covered with a white cloth.
Part 6: Plate 11: "I am very, very sorry!" Jocelyn exclaimed.
Plate 12: He entered, to find in the drawing-room no other person than Nicholas Pine-Avon.
Part 7: Plate 13: Soldiers were seldom seen in this outer part of the isle, and this man must have had a special reason for coming hither. Pearston surveyed him.
Plate 14: "I Suppose You'll Marry Some Day, Avis," Remarked Pearston, Regarding Her Thoughtfully.
Part 8: Plate 15: "I Don't Want To Go To Him!" She Sobbed.
Plate 16: His Attention Was Attracted by the Busy Doings Around the Quarry.
Part 9: Plate 17: Pearston Stopped and Examined the Cause of Discomfiture.
Plate 18: "Have You Ever Given Her a Hint of What My Meaning Is?"
Part 10: Plate 19: "Does He Really Wish Me To?" She Asked.
Plate 20: She Was Holding Her Handkerchief to Her Eyes, and Then He Saw That She Was Weeping Silently.
Plate 21: Pearston Said "Goodnight!" And a Reply Was Returned to Him in an Accent Which Was Not That of an Englishman. Moreover, the Voice Was Faint and Shaken. Pearston Halted.
Plate 22: They Reached the Corner of the Red King's Castle, Where There Were Some Large Blocks of Loose Rock, Carved with the Initials of Natives of Past Generations. "Do You Think It Well To Go Farther?" Asked the Woman, As If She Were Anxious That He Should Return. "I Fear I Cannot," He Said.
Plate 23: Everything was done, even to the packing of his portmanteau.
Plate 24: He pushed the skiff down the slope, floated it, and jumped into it without an oar.

Last modified 13 July 2002