Left: The pair of candlesticks. Right: Close-up of the the "capital" at the top of one of the columns.
Pair of Burmantofts turquoise glazed earthenware fluted column candlesticks on square bases, 8 inches high. One base incised 'FB' monogram and "1198X." © RBKC (Royal Borough of Kensington and Chelsea), Sambourne House, 18 Stafford Terrace, London, reproduced here by kind permission.

These candlesticks are from the mantelpiece of the second bedroom at Sambourne House Museum, now known as "Roy's Room." Roy was Linley Sambourne's son who occupied this bedroom from his teenage years until his death in 1946. It contains a number of objects which show his own taste, like these solid colour candlesticks, in contrast to his father's choice of richly patterned oriental ceramics. Indeed,they are are different in style from everything else in the house.
Created 1 July 2024