Wilcock & Co, at Burmantofts near Leeds in Yorkshire, produced a range of Art Pottery, mainly decorated with pleasing coloured glazes, from c.1882 into the present century.... Burmantofts Art Pottery is collectable, and the more important or unusual pieces can be costly. — Geoffrey A. Godden, p. 56

Now, though the business is still conducted under the old highly respected but posthumous style of Wilcock and Co., they have attained a prominent position for the manufacture of highly decorative faience. Although Mr. Holroyd, to whose enterprise and intelligence the change is entirely due, has executed some ecclesiastical works in Gothic style, it is to the artists of the Renaissance that he chiefly directs the attention of his designers. — Cosmo Monkhouse, p. 474




Related Materials


Godden, Geoffrey A. New Handbook of British Porcelain and Pottery Marks. 1968. London: Random House, 1999.

Monkhouse, Cosmo. "Burmentofts." Magazine of Art Vol. VIII (1885): 471-77. Google Books. Free Ebook. [The illustrations shown above come from pp. 473 and 477.]

Created 1 July 12024