Ford in his studio: A photograph and a painting” by his son. [Click on thumbnails to enlarge them.
Born in Islington. Studied Antwerp and Munich, 1870-72. On return to London established himself as portrait sculptor and exhibited at R.A. from 1875 and at the Grosvenor Gallery from 1879.
Won competition for statue of Rowland Hill, 1882. Other works include: "Irving as Hamlet", 1883; series of bronze statuettes (including "Folly"), 1886; monument to General Gordon, 1890; The Shelley Memorial in Oxford, 1892; The Jowett Memorial, Oxford, 1897.
Adopted polychromy and was one of the leaders with Gilbert and Hamo Thornycroft of the New Sculpture.
A.R.A. 1888, R.A. 1895. [from Fine Art Society catalogue -- see below]
- Dancing (with headdress)
- Dancing (without headdress)
- Lamp based on Dancing
- Folly
- Mercury
- Music
- Peace
- Echo
- Knowledge
- Linus
- The Singer
- Snowdrift
- Torso
- Mourning Putto

- Portrait of a Lady
- Professor H. Herkomer, RA
- Sir J. E. Millais
- George Barrett, Jr.
- George Blackall-Simonds
- John Robert Cozens
- David Cox
- Dr. Dale
- Peter De Wint
- Thomas Girtin
- William Ewart Gladstone
- General C. E. Gordon, R. E. M.
- Rowland Hill
- Wlliam Henry Hunt
- Professor Huxley
- James Lever Senior
- Sir Lakshmiswar Bahadur Singh, Maharajah of Darbhanga
- Paul Sandby
- J. W. M. Turner
- Queen Victoria
- Bust of a Lady [possibly Mrs. Onslow Ford]
- Lewis Waller as Brutus
- L. Alma-Tadema, R.A,
- Queen Victoria, Piccadilly, Manchester
- Monument to Henry Douglas Freshfield (1877-1891)
- The late Maharajah of Mysore
- Irving as Hamlet

Baldry, A. L. "The Art of 1900." The Studio. 20 (1900): 10.
Beattie, Susan. The New Sculpture. New Haven: Yale University Press, 1983.
British Sculpture 1850-1914. A loan exhibition of sculpture and medals sponsored by The Victorian Society. London: Fine Art Society, 1968.
Read, Benedict. Victorian Sculpture. New Haven: Yale University Press, 1982.
The Fine Art Society, London, was the very first commercial gallery or public museum to share its information, images, and text with the Victorian Web. The copyright on text and images from their catalogues remains, of course, with the Fine Art Society. [GPL]
Last modified 30 January 2020