[Navvies and Missionary Tracts]

[Navvies and Missionary Tracts]

Wood engraving

First Navvy: — “T’ new Mission-ary gave me thius ’ere Track [tract] just now, Bill.”

Second Navvy: — “Ain’t seen him. What loike is he?”

First Navvy: — “Little Chap — Preaches about eight Stun [stone] then, I should Guess!”

(6 January 1866): 10

Eight stone ten = 112 pounds or 50.8 kilograms

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Image and text from an Hathi Trust Digital Library online version of a copy of in the University of Michigan Library.— George P. Landow

[This image may be used without prior permission for any scholarly or educational purpose without prior permission as long as you credit this site, the Internet Archive, and the University of Toronto library.]