1827 William Holman Hunt born. Maria Rossetti born to Gabriele and Frances (Polidori) Rossetti.

1828 George Meredith born February 12. Gabriel Dante (Dante Gabriel) Rossetti born May 12.

1829 William Michael Rossetti and John Everett Millais born.

1830 Christina Georgina Rossetti born December 5.

1831 Gabriele Rossetti named Professor of Italian at King's College.

1834 William Morris born.

1837 D.G. Rossetti enters King's College School. Algernon Charles Swinburne born April 5 in London.

1841 D.G.Rossetti leaves school to study art with F.S. Cary.

1842-44 Meredith at the Moravian school in Neuwied (Germany)

1843 Professor Rossetti ill. Failing eyesight forces him to retire; Maria goes to work as a governess, William Michael (at 15) becomes a government clerk.

1846 D.G.R. admitted to the Royal Academy of Art schools. Meredith articled to a London solicitor; weds Mary Nicholls, daughter of Thomas Love Peacock.

1848 Hunt, Eve of St. Agnes. D.G.R. asks to study under Ford Madox Brown. In September, Holman Hunt, John Millais, and Rossetti form the Pre-Raphaelite Brotherhood. William Morris enters Marlborough College.

1849 Millais, Isabella. Hunt, Rienzi. D.G. Rossetti, The Girlhood of Mary Virgin. Swinburne to Eton.

1850 Millais, Christ in the House of His Parents, The Return of the Dove to the Ark, and Mariana. Collins, Berengaria's Alarm. The P.R.B. publishes The Germ (4 issues, Jan.-April), W.M. Rossetti editor.

1850-60 D.G. Rossetti paints most of his greatest watercolors during this decade, plus major oils including including Dante's Dream; D.G.R. meets Elizabeth Siddal.

1851 D.G.R. and Elizabeth Siddal become engaged. In May, John Ruskin defends the Pre-Raphaelites in two letters to The Times, and agrees to subsidize D.G. Rossetti by buying a certain number of paintings from him every year. Meredith, Poems; favorably reviewed by W.M. Rossetti. Hunt, Hireling Shepherd.

1852 Millais, Ophelia and A Hugenot.

1853 Morris enters Exeter College, Oxford, and meets Edward (Burne-)Jones. John Millais elected to the Royal Academy. Lizzie Siddall, The Lady of Shalott.

1854 Millais, John Ruskin. Hunt, The Light of the World and The Awakening Conscience; Thomas Seddon, Jerusalem from the Valley of Jehosophat (first influential PRB landscape). Professor Rossetti dies April 26.

1855 Millais marries Ruskin's ex-wife. Meredith, The Shaving of Shagpat.

1856 Millais, The Blind Girl and Autumn Leaves. Morris and Burne-Jones take rooms together. Their magazine, The Oxford and Cambridge Magazine (12 issues, Jan.-Dec.), starts the second wave of Pre-Raphaelitism. Swinburne enters Balliol College, Oxford. D.G.R. meets Fanny Cornforth. Hunt, The Scapegoat. Hughes, April Love. Henry Wallis, The Death of Chatterton (for which Meredith models). F. M. Brown, Jesus Washing Peter's Feet.

1857 William Morris and Edward Burne-Jones join D.G. Rossetti in painting Arthurian frescoes on the walls of the Oxford Debating Union. Hunt, Rossetti, Millais, and others illustrate a volume of Tennyson's poems for the publisher Edward Moxon. Rossetti meets Jane Burden, an artist's model, and introduces her to the others, including Morris. Swinburne, "Ode to Mazzini"; meets Rossetti, Burne-Jones, and Morris. Meredith and his wife separate.

1858 Morris, The Defence of Guenevere and Other Poems. August Egg, Past and Present, three paintings on theme of fallen woman.

1859 Morris and Jane Burden married. Meredith, The Ordeal of Richard Feverel; meets Swinburne and the Pre-Raphaelites. Millais, Apple Blossoms and The Vale of Rest.

1860 D.G. Rossetti marries Elizabeth Siddal. Hunt, The Finding of the Saviour in the Temple (Hunt's first major picture using biblical typology and religious realism).

1861 D.G. Rossetti, Early Italian Poets. Foundation of Morris, Marshall, Faulkner, & Co.; includes Burne-Jones and Ford Madox Brown.

1862 Lizzie (Siddal) Rossetti dies from a self-administered overdose of laudanum. Death ruled an accident. D.G.R. moves to Tudor House, 16 Cheyne Walk, with A.C. Swinburne. W.M. Rossetti and George Meredith also live there part of the time. (Fanny Cornforth is the housekeeper.) Meredith, Modern Love. Whistler, The White Girl.

1863 Swinburne meets James M. Whistler; introduces him to Rossetti. Hunt, The Afterglow in Eygpt.

1865 Swinburne, Atalanta in Calydon pub. by Moxon, illus. by Rossetti. F. M. Brown, Work (begun 1852).

1866 Swinburne, Laus Veneris and Poems and Ballads.

1867 Morris, The Life and Death of Jason. Hunt, Isabella and the Pot of Basil.

1868 Morris, The Earthly Paradise (Parts I & II). Swinburne, "Ave atque Vale" (for Charles Baudelaire). Rossetti, Lady Lilith.

1869 Swinburne ill. Brown, Cordelia's Portion.

1870 D.G. Rossetti, Poems. Morris trans. The Volsunga Saga. Millais, Boyhood of Raleigh (first popular subject picture) and Chill October (first Scottish landscape); turns increasingly to portraits.

1871 Robert Buchanan's attack on Rossetti and Swinburne, "The Fleshly School of Poetry," appears in the Contemporary Review. Morris and Rossetti become joint tenants of Kelmscott Manor, Oxfordshire. Morris visits Iceland, leaving Jane with Rossetti. Swinburne, Songs before Sunrise.

1872 Swinburne meets Theodore Watts-Dunton, who becomes his legal advisor. D.G. Rossetti, having for years overused chloral to cure his insomnia, has a nervous breakdown; completes Beata Beatrix.

1873 Dante Rossetti recovers. When he starts painting again, he changes from watercolors to oils. His sister Maria enters All Saint's Home, an Anglican sisterhood. Hunt, The Shadow of Death.

1874 W.M. Rossetti marries Lucy, the daughter of Ford Madox Brown.

1875 Swinburne, Essays and Studies. Burne-Jones begins Perseus series, which occupies him for more than a decade.

1875-79 Swinburne growing deaf.

1876 Morris, Sigurd the Volsung and The Fall of the Niblungs. Maria Rossetti dies.

1877 D.G. Rossetti, Astarte Syriaca. Burne-Jones, The Beguiling of Merlin. Morris's first lecture on "The Decorative Arts." Swinburne, A Year's Letters (novel).

1878 Swinburne, Poems and Ballads (Second Series). Burne-Jones, Laus Veneris.

1879 Burne-Jones, The Annunciation. Swinburne ailing and alcoholic; Watts-Dunton takes him in and looks after him for the rest of his life. Meredith, The Egoist.

1881 D.G. Rossetti, Ballads and Sonnets.

1881 D.G. Rossetti dies April 9. Swinburne, Tristram of Lyonesse.

1883 Swinburne, A Century of Roundels. Hunt, The Triumph of the Innocents (begun 1870, 1876)

1884 Morris, Art and Socialism and A Summary of the Principles of Socialism. Burne-Jones, King Cophetua and the Beggar Maid.

1885 Meredith, Diana of the Crossways. J.E. Millais knighted. Burne-Jones elected to the Royal Academy.

1886 Swinburne, A Study of Victor Hugo and Miscellanies. Mrs. Rossetti (mother) dies. Burne-Jones, The Depths of the Sea. Hunt begins The Lady of Shalott.

1889 Swinburne, Poems and Ballads (Third Series).

1890 Morris, News from Nowhere; founds the Kelmscott Press. Burne-Jones, begins Arthur in Avalon , a major work unfinished at his death.

1891 Morris declines the Laureateship (after Tennyson's death).

1894 Christina Rossetti dies December 29. Morris, The Wood Beyond the World. Burne-Jones knighted; The Fall of Lucifer.

1896 Morris and Burne-Jones, The Kelmscott Chaucer. Morris, The Well at the World's End; dies October 3 at Kelmscott House. John Millais dies. J. W. Waterhouse, Hylas and the Nymphs.

1898 Burne-Jones dies.

1904 Swinburne, A Channel Passage and Other Poems.

1905 Meredith receives the Gold Medal of the Royal Society of Literature. Hunt completes The Lady of Shalott and publishes Pre-Raphaelitism and the Pre-Raphaelite Brotherhood [].

1909 Swinburne dies April 15 of influenza. Meredith dies May 19.

1910Holman Hunt dies.

1914Jane Morris dies.