Books and Monographs on this site
Helsinger, Elizabeth K. Ruskin and the Art of the Beholder. Cambridge: Harvard University Press, 1982.
Hewison, Robert. John Ruskin: The Argument of the Eye. Princeton: Princeton University Press, 1976..
Landow, George P. The Aesthetic and Critical Theories of John Ruskin. Princeton: Princeton University Press, 1971.
_____. Ruskin. ("Past Masters" Series) Oxford: Oxford University Press, 1985.
_____. Victorian Types, Victorian Shadows; Biblical Typology in Victorian Literature, Art, and Thought. Boston and London: Routledge & Kegan Paul, 1980. [Especially chapters 3 and 4.
_____. William Holman Hunt and Typological Symbolism. New Haven and London: Yale University Press, 1979. [Ruskin's influence on the Pre-Raphaelites.]
_____. "Your Good Influence On Me:" The Correspondence of John Ruskin and William Holman Hunt. Manchester, England: Rylands Library, 1977.
Peterson, Linda H. “Ruskin's Praeterita: The Attempt at Deconstruction” in Victorian Autobiography: The Tradition of Self-Interpretation. New Haven: Yale University Press, 1986.
Sawyer, Paul L. Ruskin's Poetic Argument: The Design of the Major Works. Ithaca: Cornell University Press, 1985.
Spates, James L. Ruskin’s Sexuality: Correcting Decades of Misperception and Mislabeling
Helen Gill Viljoen, "Ruskin in Milan, 1862": A Chapter from Dark Star, an unpublished Biography of John Ruskin edited by James L. Spates and introduced by Van Akin Burd.
Landow, George P. "J. D. Harding and John Ruskin on Nature's Infinite Variety." Journal of Aesthetics and Art Criticism, 28 (1970), 369 — 80.
_____. "Ruskin and Baudelaire on Art and Artist." University of Toronto Quarterly 37 (1968): 295-308.
_____. There began to be a great talking about the Fine Arts. The Mind and Art of Victorian England. ed. Josef P. Altholz. Minneapolis: University of Minnesota Press, 1976.
Spates, James L. “Ruskin—The Forgotten Legacy in America” in Victorian Visionary: John Ruskin and the Realization of the Ideal. Ed. Peter X. Accardo. Cambridge, Ma.: Houghton Library, Harvard University Press, 2019. 39-39.
Hypertext versions of Ruskin’s Works on this site
Related material and Ruskin websites
- Reviews of Ruskin scholarship
- The Ruskin Programme at the University of Lancaster (UK)
- The Complete Works of John Ruskin (Cook & Wedderburn Library Edition) at Lancaster University
- Ruskin’s Venetian Notebooks at Lancaster University
- The Ruskin Museum at Coniston (UK)
- The Guild of St. George
- James Spates Why Ruskin Blog
- Stuart Eagles' Ruskin Research Blog
- Mitsuharu Matsuoka's Hyper-Concordance allows word searches the complete texts of The King of the Golden River, Sesame and Lilies, and The Stones of Venice
Last modified 4 June 2024