
One. Typological Interpretation in the Victorian Period
- How the Victorians learned to read the Bible for types and shadows of Christ
- Types: Historical, Legal, and Prophetical
- Images with the Stamp of God
- Type and Temporality
- The Reality of Types
Two. The Smitten Rock
Three. Typology in Fiction and Nonfiction
Four. Typology in the Visual Arts
- Typology and Ruskin's Theories of Symbolism
- Millais's Christ in the House of His Parents
- Joseph Durham's Striking the Rock
- Problems of Interpretation
- Word and Image -- Typological Uses of Genesis
Five. Political Types
- Introduction
- Applications to Church Politics
- Swinburne and Secularized Typology
- Secularized Typology in Working-Class Poet
- Thomas Carlyle
Six. Typological Structures: The Examples of Gerard Manley Hopkins and Dante Gabriel Rossetti
- "Yet hear my paradox": Hopkins's Typological Allusions
- "Life touching lips with immortality": Rossetti's Temporal Structures
Seven. The Pisgah Sight -- Typological Structure and Typological Image
- The Religious Context: Scripture, Interpretations, and Hymns
- Extended Versions
- The Pisgah Sight as an Allusive Device
- The Pisgah Sight as a Vision of Beauty
- Romantic and Modern Examples
- Swinburne's and Other Bitter Pisgah Sights

Print version published 1980; web version 1998