Resurrection; Ascension

William Wailes (1808-1881)


St Matthias

Friars Stile Road, Richmond

This is the last (furthest right) window in the apse. The brilliant blue background of the main scenes accentuates their drama, as does the lively amazement of the crowds beneath, including those in the small scenes below.

Photograph by John Salmon.

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Related Material

  • St Matthias, Richmond
  • Wailes's West wheel window, St Matthias Church, Richmond
  • Wailes's Agony in the Garden, and "Ecce Homo", St Matthias Church, Richmond
  • Wailes's Jesus Carrying the Cross; the Crucifixion, St Matthias Church, Richmond
  • Wailes's Jesus and His Disciples; Jesus Walks on Water, St Matthias Church, Richmond