Alex. Geo. Milne in London to James Brand Esquire, Aberdeen, Scotland (detail). 1815. Image and text by Eunice Shanahan. Eunice and Ron Shanahan have shared with readers of the Victorian Web this material from their website, Letters from the Past.
If you will do me the favour to discount the inclosed draft for £8004 & send me the proceeds to enable me to retire the one due 16th curt. (Current). I expect that this will not be necessary to have any renewal of it, if the Leith worthies come forward as they are expected to do and I can get any good Sales effected — I have preferred this mode in preference as it will keep matters distinct and the other Bills you hold are not for any transaction in Business, but for your Security. If however there is any other arrangement you would prefer be so good as let me know and I shall do what you wish.
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Last modified 25 May 2010