Debates about the Reform Bill
- The Gossips
- The Reform Bill, 1866. Frantic Excitement!!!
- Clearing the Barricade
- The Street Up Again!
Who shall have the vote? How widely should the franchise expand?
Gladstone and Disraeli, Liberal and Tory, working together

Disraeli and Lord Derby poach the Liberal program
- Political “Economy”
- Great Poaching Affray on Liberal Premises
- Political Kidnapping
- The Honest Potboy
- The Political Tailors
- The Derby, 1867. Dizzy wins with “Reform Bill’
- The Political Egg-Dance
- The Whitebait Dinner; or, “Parties” at Greenwich
Related material
- The Reform Acts
- Editorial cartoons in Fun about Disraeli, Gladstone, Bright and the Second Reform Bill (1866-67)
- Lord Derby (Edward George Geoffrey Smith Stanley, 14th Earl of Derby, 1799-1869)
- Benjamin Disraeli (Lord Beaconsfield)
- William Gladstone
Last modified 16 September 2017