Punch famously served in various ways as the model for the many generally short-lived illustrated satirical and comic journals that punctuated the period between 1850 and 1900. But several were successful. One of the longest lived of these, and the closest in format to Punch was Judy. [Maidment 39; it ran from 1867-1907]
One similar venture perhaps did rather better in developing its artists and their illustrations into distinctive and memorable features of its production. Fun (1861-1901) found in James Frank Sullivan an artist who, as well as producing accomplished large scale cartoons, was a pioneer in Britain of the comic strip format, chronicling over many years the small—scale trials and triumphs of the ‘British Working Man,’ and thus making one of Punch’s perennial themes into a continuing graphic narrative [Maidment 40]
...the transnational and imperial possibilities open to comics scholarship seem extremely promising, and exciting, not least as yet another means of understanding Punch; or the London Charivari. — Scully, "A Comic Empire," 29

- Fun (Sitemap)
- Punch's Colonial and other imitators
- Regional and American imitators of Punch
- Maintaining British identity abroad through Punch
- Colonial Charivaris
- An Indian Punch
Judy, or the London Serio-Comic Journal, Vol 16. Internet Archive. Contributed by Harvard University Library. Web. 16 August 2019.
Maidment, Brian. "The Presence of Punch in the Nineteenth Century." Asian Punches: A Transcultural Affair. Edited by Hans Harder and Barbara Mittler. Heidelberg, New York, Dordrecht, London: Springer, 2012. 15-44.
Scully, Richard. British Images of Germany: Admiration, Antagonism and Ambivalence, 1860-1914. Basingstoke: Palgrave Macmillan, 2012.
_____. "The Cartoon Emperor: The Impact of Louis Napoleon Bonaparte on European Comic Art, 1848-1870." European Comic Art. 4/2 (Autumn 2011): 147-180.
_____. "A Comic Empire: The Global Expansion of Punch as a Model Publication, 1841-1936" (originally published in the International Journal of Comic Art 15/2 (Fall 2013): 6-35. [See above for a series of five excerpts.]
_____. "Constructing the Colossus: The Origins of Linley Sambourne's Greatest Punch Cartoon." International Journal of Comic Art, 14/2 (Fall 2012): 120-142.
_____. "Mr Punch versus the Kaiser, 1892-1898: Flashpoints of a Complex Relationship." International Journal of Comic Art. 13/2 (Fall 2011): 553-578.
_____. "Sex, Art and the Victorian Cartoonist: Matthew Somerville Morgan in Victorian Britain and America." International Journal of Comic Art. 13/1 (Spring 2011): 291-325.
Created 16 August 2019