The “Six Degrees” series and other early versions of the comic strip

- The Six Degrees of Truth
- The Six Degrees of Faith
- The Six Degrees of Genius
- The Six Degrees of Bad Luck
- The Six Degrees of Tact
- Innocents Abroad
- Reunited: A Xmas Tale of “the Good Old Times”
- How one Valentine went wrong
Political cartoons
- 14 Editorial cartoons about Disraeli, Gladstone, Bright and the Second Reform Bill, 1866-67 (sitemap)
- 57 cartoons about Ireland, Gladstone, and Home Rule (sitemap)
- The Disraeli-Gladstone rivalry (sitemap; 40 cartoons)
- Queen Victoria and the royal family (sitemap)
- Lord Salisbury (sitemap)
- International Affairs — Italy & the Risorgimento
- Afghanistan (sitemap for 18 cartoons)
- Broken Vows
- Balaclava Oct., 1854 [neglect of Crimean War veterans]
- The Haunted Man (John Bull haunted by English poverty)
- The “Mill”-ennium (John Stuart Mill & female suffrage)

The Church and Religion
Life in London
- London Scenes (sitemap for 20 cartoons)
- Work and workers (sitemap for 25 cartoons)
- Theater & popular entertainment (sitemap)
- Cabs, Cabbies, and Omnibuses (sitemap for 37 cartoons)
- Servants, Masters, and Mistresses (sitemap for 18 cartoons)
- Poverty and starvation in England (sitemap for 20 cartoons)
- Public health, medicine, and disease
The Arts and Literature
- 54 cartoons about art & artists
- Visual and verbal parodies of famous works (often in editorial political cartoons)
- Theatre & popular entertainment
- “Hero Worship” — a poem about a disciple of Thomas Carlyle
Courtships, the war between the sexes, and awkward conversations
- Valentine’s Day (sitemap)
- Men and Women (sitemap)
- Overgrown
- He would be original
- Postal Adventures on Valentine’s Day
- A little Game of Their Own
- A Superfluous Question
- Sitemap
- Crossing Sweepers, Chimney Sweeps, and other Street Urchins (Sitemap)
- [A child’s view of] The Louther Arcade
- At the pantomime
Railways — Stock swindles, danger, and humor
- Sitemap (homepage for 45 cartoons)
- The Guide to the Metropolitan Railway
- The Platform at Ludgate. The British public waiting for the 8:37 train
- King’s Cross Station
Satirical views of fashion
- Sitemap
- Crinoline going out — of England [of the problem of traveling with crinolines]
- The Skeleton Petticoat [or the dangers of a fiery death]
- The Small Bonnet Question
- The Crinoline Scare
- Miss Jessie on Crinolines
Last modified 1 June 2018