The Manchester Town Hall Murals

- Introduction and key to the Manchester Murals
- The Baptism of Edwin
- The Expulsion of the Danes
- The Establishment of the Flemish Weavers
- The Trial of Wycliffe
- The Proclamation Regarding Weights and Measures
- Crabtree Watching the Transit of Venus
- Chetham's Life Dream
- Bradshaw's Defence of Manchester
- John Kay, Inventor of the Fly Shuttle
- The Opening of the Bridgewater Canal
- Dalton Collecting Marsh-Fire Gas

Other Works
- Jesus Washing Peter's Feet, 1852-56 (oil on canvas version)
- Jesus Washing Peter's Feet, 1857-58 (watercolor version)
- Work, 1852-56
- The Last of England
- May Memories, 1869, 1884
- Elijah and the Widow's Son
- Cromwell on His Farm
- Self-Portrait
- Charles Rowley Jnr
- The English Boy (Oliver Madox Brown)
- Take Your Son, Sir (discussion)
- Mathilde Blind
- Waiting
- Lucy Madox Brown
- Cordelia's Portion
- The Traveller
- Carrying Corn
- The Hayfield
- Geoffrey Chaucer reading the "Legend of Custance" to Edward III and his court
- Take Your Son, Sir!
- Henry Fawcett; Dame Millicent Fawcett
- Pretty Baa-Lambs
- The Irish Girl
- King Lear (Lear and Cordelia)
- An English Autumn Afternoon
- The Coat of many Colours

Last modified 29 March 2024