American-born but European-trained artist C. S. [Charles Stanley] Reinhart's sixteen plates for Charles Dickens's Hard Times. For These Times appeared in the single-volume, American version of the Household Edition published in 1876 by Harper & Brothers. His "Parisian" style of illustration, just in vogue when the American Household edition of Hard Times was published in the 1870s, is a severe departure from the careful detailism of Fred Walker and Harry French, the novel's previous (British) illustrators. Simon Houfe's remarks about C. S. Reinhart's penmanship conveying a sense of colouring without the actual use of any pigmentation are certainly appropriate to his work on this Dickens novel, first published serially in Household Words in 1854.
Frontispiece. Plate 1: Caption: And Through Humility, And Sorrow, And Forgiveness, He Had Gone To His Redeemer's Rest. [Page 220.
Plate 2: No Caption: Mr. Gradgrind Catches Louisa and Tom at the Circus. Illustration before Chapter I. "The One Thing Needful."
Plate 3: Caption: "Father Must Have Gone Down to the Booth, Sir." Running Head: Mr. Bounderby Instructed in Terms of Art. Page 133.
Plate 4: Caption: "You were in the tiptop fashion, and all the rest of it," said Mr. Bounderby. Running Head: Gentility and Humility. Page 139.
Plate 5: Caption: "Heaven's Mercy, Woman! . . . .Hast Thou Come Back Again!" Page 146.
Plate 6: Caption: "The Creature Struggled, Struck Her, Seized Her by the Hair; But Rachael Had the Cup." Running Head: Stephen's Dream. Page 153.
Plate 7: Caption: "My Dear Louisa," Returned Mr. Gradgrind, Re-Assured and Satisfied, "You Correct Me Justly. I Merely Wished to Discharge My Duty." Page 158.
Plate 8: Caption: "The Lady Is Quite a Philosopher, I Am Told?" Page 166.
Plate 9: Caption: "My Sister Loo?" Said Tom. "She Never Cared for Old Bounderby." Running Head: The Whelp Under A Spell. Page 171.
Plate 10: Caption: "Rachael, Will You Tell Him--For You Know How, Without Offense--That This Is Freely His, To Help Him on His Way?" Page 180.
Plate 11: Caption: "Oh, Tom! Tell Me the Truth!" Page 190.
Plate 12: "Mrs. Sparsit Saw with Delight That His Arm Embraced Her." Running Head: Mrs. Sparsit's Triumph. Page 197.
Plate 13: "Forgive Me, Pity Me, Help Me!" Running Head: Sissy and Louisa. Page 203.
Plate 14: "If You Can't Get It Out, Ma''am," Said Bounderby, "Leave Me to Get It Out." Page 208.
Plate 15: "Rachael Caught Her in Both Arms, with a Scream That Resounded Over the Wide Landscape." Running Head: The Old Pit. Page 217.
Plate 16: The Father Buried His Face in His Hands, And the Son Stood in His Disgraceful Grotesqueness Biting Straw. Page 224.
Houfe, Simon. The Dictionary of Nineteenth-Century British Book Illustrators and Caricaturists. Woodbridge, Suffolk: Antique Collectors' Club, 1978.
Pennell, Joseph. The Adventures of An Illustrator Mostly in Following His Authors in America and Europe. Boston: Little, Brown & Co., 1925.

Last modified 19 May 2011