Girl with a Mirror by Sir W. Hamo Thornycroft, R. A. Bronze, rich dark brown patination, 8 31/4 inches (22 cm.). Signed "H. Thornycroft and dated 1918."
"The original conception of this charming bronze statue dates fron the early 1900s. As with his other works Thornycroft supervised the lost wax casting of each of these works, signing them with the date of the casting.The edition was limited to just 25 casts and were offered through the Fine Art Society." — Sir Alfred Gilbert and the New Sculpture, 100
Photograph and text by courtesy Robert Bowman. Robert Bowman and the Fine Art Society, London, have most generously given their permission to use information, images, and text from the catalogue named above in the Victorian Web. Copyright remains, of course, with them. [GPL]
Beattie, Susan. The New Sculpture. New Haven: Yale University Press, 1983.
Bowman, Robert. Sir Alfred Gilbert and the New Sculpture. London: The Fine Art Society, 2008.
Last modified 7 June 2008