St George and the Dragon

St George and the Dragon

Executed by John Birnie Philip (1824-1875)

Designed by John Richard Clayton (1827-1913)

This stands at the top of the Westminster School Scholars' Memorial, designed overall by George Gilbert Scott (1811-1878)


Column: red granite on Portland Stone base, with stone statues

Westminster Walk (opposite Sanctuary House, beside Westminster Abbey)

The monument as a whole is a Grade II listed structure. Beneath St George are the canopied and seated statues of four monarchs: Edward the Confessor who founded the Abbey that he faces here; and three later royal patrons of the Abbey and school: Henry II, Elizabeth I and Queen Victoria. [Commentary continues below. Click on the images to enlarge them and mouse over the text for links.]

Photograph of St George and the Dragon kindly provided by Bob Speel. Photographs below by Dr Orhan Arol. Please see their respective websites in the bibliography for information about reusing them. Perspective correction and commentary by Jacqueline Banerjee