In transcribing the following passage from Smith’s text, I have begun with the rough OCR material provided by the Internet Archive and then collated it with the Internet Archive’s page images. If you spot any errors, please notify the webmaster. —  George P. Landow

The limestone of the Peak of Derby, which rises from beneath the coal-measures, is a part of the same kind of rock which appears at intermediate distances under the same circumstances, thence up to its termination in the sea north of Berwick on Tweed.

Craven, Richmond, and Hexham, are most conspicuous surfaces on this rock. In a part of Westmorland and Cumberland also, it seems to underlay the coal. It reappears, under the same circumstances, in Flintshire, and may be thence traced to the corresponding point in the sea, in South Wales. The greatest mineral districts are in the course of this limestone. [49-50]

Related material


Smith, William. A Memoir to the Map and Delineation of Strata of England and Wales. London: John Cary, 1815.

Created 11 September 2018