Chivalry in the London Streets. Wood engraving. George Du Maurier. Punch’s Almanack. Click on image to enlarge it.
To be observed on a Rainy Day at any Omnibus Station
George Du Maurier here makes one of many comments in Victorian humor magazines about the way modern forms of transportation, particularly railway trains and omnibuses, destroy separation of classes and genders, the every act of crowded urban life functioning to destroy proper conduct, good manners, much less anything resembling chivalry.

Cartoons about Ominuses in Punch and Other Periodicals
- Making the best of it (using omnibuses a social disgrace, according to a butler)
- [Trouble on the top of the omnibus]
- [Collision with other vehicles]
- Our 'bus driver on female costume
- True Politeness
- A Combination of Disagreeables
- 37 Cartoons and Satirc Poems about Cabs and Omnibuses from Fun, Punch’s Rival.
Last modified 11 June 2020