How to Improve London. — No. 4. Billingsgate Market. Punch, or the London Charivari. 80 (22 October 1881): 181.[Click on image to enlarge it.]
“Opposite the Fish Market will be the Emporium for Meat, which would be well stored with frozen beef and mutton, brought over by the Australian Company (Limited)in large quantities. The reserve of this food might be used by the lovers of skating, as everything in our model comestible might be turned to useful account.” Note the train pulling in at right that will distribute the imported food through the country.
Under the title “Truly Interesting,” the same issue of Punch announced earlier "Food for the Million. — A vessel has arrived in the port of London from the River Plate with 19,000 carcases of sheop on board, wnioh have been brought over in a frozen state." — City Press” (169)
At the foot of page 286, the same issue of Punch includes the following pun: “COLD COMFORT For BUTCHERS.-Importation of Frozen Meat.”
Links to Related Material on Importation of Preserved Meat
Per-Patetic, The. “How to Improve London. — No. 4. Billingsgate Market” Punch, or the London Charivari. 80 (22 October 1881): 169, 181, 286. HathiTrust versions of a copy in the University of California Libraries. Web. 15 March 2022.
Last modified 17 March 2022