John William Waterhouse. The Lady of Shalott. Oil on canvas. 1888. Tate Gallery, London.
Related Materials
- The Lady (detail)
- The tapesty on the side of the boat (detail)
- The boat's prow with candles and crucifix (detail) (detail)
- Waterhouse's "I Am Half-Sick of Shadows," Said the Lady of Shalott (1917)
- Waterhouses's The Lady of Shalott (1894)
- The Lady of Shalott: Pre-Raphaelite Attitudes Toward Woman in Society
Hobson, Anthony. The Art and Life of J. W. Waterhouse, R.A.. London: Studo Vista/Christie's, 1980.
Ladies of Shalott: A Victorian Masterpiece and Its Contexts. Ed. George P. Landow. Providence: Brown University, 1985. 4-16. Figure 8.
Trippi, Peter. J. W. Waterhouse. London: Phaidon, 2002 [Published 17 years after the above commentary was written. GPL]
Last modified 21 December 2004