Paintings by Dante Gabriel Rossetti (1828-1882)
- The Girlhood of Mary Virgin
- Ecce Ancilla Domini (The Annunciation), 1849-50
- The Seed of David
- Lady Lilith
- Beatrice, a Portrait of Jane Morris
- Beata Beatrix
- Helen of Troy
- The Blessed Damozel
- Dante's Dream at the Time of the Death of Beatrice
- Found
- Venus Verticordia
- La Ghirlandata
- Rosa Triplex
- The Beloved
- Dante's Dream at the Time of the Death of Beatrice (triptych at the McManus, Dundee)
- The Blue Bower
- Proserpine
- Astarte Syriaca
- The Day Dream
- Boca Baciata
- Monna Vanna
- The Blue Silk Dress
- Dantis Amor

Links to related materials
- Rossetti's Dreaming Women: Three Pictures of Visions and Imagining
- Review of "Rossetti’s Portraits": An Exhibition at the Holbourne Museum, Bath, 24 September 2021 – 9 January 2022
- Discussion Questions for Paintings and Drawings by Dante Gabriel Rossetti
- Offsite: Birmingham Museums and Art Gallery's Pre-Raphaelite Online Resource
Last modified 15 November 2021