Buildings in Great Britain

- Borthwick Castle
- Second Quad of St. John’s College, Oxford
- Drapers’ Almshouses, Margate
- Kew Palace
- Custom House, King’s Lynn
- Old Street in London
- Tilquhillie Castle, Aberdeenshire
- Corner-Oriel at Augsburg
- Newark Castle, on the Clyde
- Montague House — the old British Museum
- Gothic Architecture in Westminster Abbey
- Custom House, King’s Lynn
- Old Glasgow University: North Side of the Inner Court
- Old Glasgow University: South and West Sides of the Inner Court
- Morton Hall, Chesire
Buildings in Europe
- Houses at Münster, Westphalia
- Street in Landshut, Bavaria
- Bishop’s House, Würzburg
- Neü-Munsterhof, Würzburg
- House at Würzburg
- Wooden House at Hildesheim
- Houses in the Market Place, Brussels
- House of Jacques Coeur at Bourges
- St. Étienne du Mont, Paris
- House Opposite the Cathedral at Augsburg
- Small Gothic House at Venice
- Goliath House, Ratisbon
- Street in Ratisbon
- Château de Thery
- Château d’Azy-le-Rideau, Indre-et-Loire

Buildings in Egypt and the Middle East
Stevenson, J. J. House Architecture. 2 vols. London: Macmillan, 1880.
Last modified 19 July 2017