Sections of the Idylls in the Victorian Web
- "The Coming of Arthur" (text) — (discussion)
- "The Holy Grail" (text) — (commentary)
Individual Works
Poems, by Two Brothers (1827) (discussions)
Poems, Chiefly Lyrical (1830) (discussions)
- "Claribel"
- "Lucretius" (discussions)
- "Mariana" discussions)
- "The Kraken" (text)
- "The Lady of Shalott" (text) (discussions)
- "The Palace of Art" (text) (discussions)
- "The Two Voices"
- "Tithon"
- "Oenone"
- "The Lotos-Eaters"
- "A Dream of Fair Women"
- "The Mermaid" "The Poet"
- "Break, break, break,"
- "Morte d'Arthur"
- "Locksley Hall" (Compared to Browning's "Soliloquy of the Spanish Cloister"
- "St. Agnes' Eve"
- "Ulysses" — (text) — (discussions)
- "St. Simeon Stylites" (text) — (discussion) "The Voyage of the Maeldune"
In Memoriam (1850)
Maud (1855) (discussion — Musical setting of "Come into the garden, Maud.")
The Idylls of the King (1859)
- "Enid"
- "Vivien"
- "Elaine"
- "Guinevere"
"Tithonus" (1860)
Enoch Arden (1864)
- "Enoch Arden"
- The poem in the context of the iconography of shipwrecks and castaways
- Musical and Cinematic Adaptation
- "The Coming of Arthur" (text) — (discussion)
- "The Holy Grail"
- "Pelleas and Ettarre"
- "The Passing of Arthur"
- "The Last Tournament"
- "Gareth and Lynette"
- "The Charge of the Light Brigade" text — discussion
- "The Battle of Brunanburh"
- "The Voyage of Maeldune"
- "Rizpah"
- "The Revenge"
- "The Defence of Lucknow"
The Promise of May (1882)
Becket (1884)
Tiresias, and Other Poems (1885)
The Idylls of the King (1885)
- "Balin and Balan"
- "Merlin and the Gleam"
- "To Virgil"
- "Crossing the Bar" (text) — (discussions)

Last modified 9 February 2010