harles Alexander Gibbs (1825-1877) belonged to a family of stained glass designers. His father was Isaac Alexander Gibbs (1802-51) and his brothers were Isaac Alexander (named after his father) and Alexander. They had a family firm for ten years from about 1848, but then Charles Gibbs set up his own works at 148 Marylebone Road, London in 1858 (see "Charles Alexander Gibbs"). Martin Harrison reports that Charles and Alexander Gibbs were among the eleven major stained glass suppliers of the Victorian period (75). — Jacqueline Banerjee.

- East window (Jesus blessing the children), at St James's, Yarmouth, Isle of Wight
- St Mark, St Jude and St Luke, St Jude and St Paul, Islington, N. London
"Charles Alexander Gibbs (1825-1877)." Gwydir Lliw Nghymru: Stained Glass in Wales. Web. 7 November 2017.
Harrison, Martin. Victorian Stained Glass. London: Barrie & Jenkins, 1980.