Biographical material

Punch’s Fancy Portraits — Artists, Writers, Scientists, and Performers

Punch’s Fancy Portraits — Political, Public, and Military Figures

Miscellaneous Comments on the Arts and Literature

Comments on Fashion

The “Essence of Parliament” Series

Miscellaneous Political Cartoons

Victorian Technologies as Subject or Analogy


Nicholson, Shirley. A Victorian Household: Based on the Diaries of Marion Sambourne. 3rd ed. Stroud, Glos.: Sutton, 1994. [Review of the first edition by John Hilary.]

Ormond, Leonee. Linley Sambourne, illustrator and Punch Cartoonist. London: Paul Holberton, 2010.

Robbins, Daniel, Reena Suleman and Pamela Hunter. Linley Sambourne House. Royal Borough of Kensington and Chelsea, 2003.

Wood, Christopher, with Christopher Newall. The Dictionary of Victorian Painters. 2nd ed. Woodbridge, Englanf: Antique Collectors' Club, 1978.

Last modified 10 February 2025