“Mr. Creswick's life and works present scant materials for biographer or critic. Both were comparatively monotonous and devoid of stirring incident. The works indicate a cheerful, genial mind, looking always on the bright side of Nature in her less impressive aspects and in her familiar moods. Great industry was employed in frequent iteration of popular subjects treated in an easy, elegant, airy, conventional manner. The becks of Yorkshire, the mountain streams of Wales, and the banks of the Wye and other rivers, supplied the staple productions of more than forty years of a happy art-life. Mr. Creswick was born at Sheffield, Yorkshire, in 1811. He came to London whilst still a youth, and his first contributions to the Royal Academy exhibitions, which were views of “Llyn Gwynant Morning, and of “Carnarvon Castle,” appeared at Somerset House as early as 1828. He continued in immediately succeeding years to exhibit subjects derived generally from the streams, lanes, and villages of the midland counties. These were alternated in 1836 with views from the coast, the woodlands, the heaths and downs of Sussex. Thenceforward Mr. Creswick's subjects and effects varied but little from the class for which we have indicated this preference.” — Illustrated London News
Biographical and Critical Material
- Thomas Creswick as an Illustrator
- Thomas Creswick's Carte-de-Visite
- Thomas Creswick as a Painter
- Cissie Frith (William Powell Frith's daughter) remembers the Creswicks
- Creswick’s Obituary in the 1870 Illustrated London News
The Moxon Tennyson
Topographical Illustrations
- A Welsh Landscape
- Glendalough, Wicklow
- Doladarn Castle
- "The breezy covert of the warbling grove" for Goldsmith's "The Deserted Village"
- Another illustration for Goldsmith's "The Deserted Village"
- ""Till the dappled dawn doth rise," for Milton’s "L’Allegro"
Related material
Early English Poems. London: Sampson Low, 1863.
Goldsmith, Oliver. The Deserted Village. London: Sampson Low, 1859.
Hall, Samuel Carter. Ireland, Its Scenery, Character, etc. . London: How, 1846 [selections from a 3 volume set of the early 1840s].
Roscoe, Thomas. Wanderings and Excursions in North Wales. London: Tilt, 1836.
“T. Credwick, R.A.” Illustrated London News 56 (8 January 1870), 53.
Tennyson, Alfred Lord. Poems by Alfred Tennyson, D.C.L., Poet Laureate. London: E. Moxon, 1857.
Last modified 9 May 2021