The competition to build Birmingham Town Hall was won by "the unknown young Joseph Hansom, a man of various talents, who later built Roman Catholic Churches in Gothic style (e.g. Arundel in Sussex), founded The Builder, and invented the Hansom Cab. [Dixon and Muthesius 149]

Biographical Material

Architectural Works

Architectural Works not Illustrated

Other Works

The Hansom Dynasty

Select Bibliography

Curl, James Stevens. Oxford Dictionary of Architecture and Landscape Architecture. 2nd ed. Oxford: Oxford University Press, 2006.

Dixon, Roger, and Stefan Muthesius. Victorian Architecture. 2nd ed. London: Thames and Hudson, 1985.

Evinson, Denis. Joseph Hansom. Unpublished MA dissertation. University of London , 1966.

"Hansomly done." Country Life. 8 April 2009: 58-61.

Harris, Penelope. The Architectural Achievement of Joseph Aloysius Hansom (1803-1882), Designer of the Hansom Cab, Birmingham Town Hall, and Churches of the Catholic Revival. New York and Lampeter: Edwin Mellen, 2010.

Jones, Nick. "The Many Lives of Joseph Aloysius Hansom." Building. Issue 17 (30 April 2010): 42-44.

Pevsner, Nikolaus, and co-authors in the Buildings of England series, as specified for individual works (please see these works, where further bibliographical sources can be found).

Last modified 15 August 2014