St James's Church (Church Kirk), Hyndburn, Lancashire. Photograph © Robert Wade. This is a Grade II* building dating from medieval times, with its late medieval tower still standing, and a late medieval font. However, it has an early nineteenth-century nave, with two Morris windows in the south wall, and a handsomely decorated late nineteenth-century chancel by James Powell and Sons (1895-96). The listing text describes it as "[m]ostly coursed sandstone, with slate roof." It stands on St James's Road in Hyndburn.

The chancel.
The entry in Dr Dennis Hadley's "Powell’s Opus Sectile Locations" reads: "595. p.6 4/3/09 Church Kirk, Lancs. Reredos includes Adoration of Christ in Majesty, Christ blessing children (As Penwarden, Capetown), Jairus’s daughter £550" (p. 27).
Image download, text and formatting by Jacqueline Banerjee. Many thanks to Robert Wade for the first image, which was originally posted on Flickr, and released on the Attribution-NonCommercial-ShareAlike 2.0 Generic (CC BY-NC-SA 2.0) license. It has been corrected here for perspective. The photograph of the chancel was kindly provided by Gary Britland, and prepared for publication by George Landow. [Click on the images to enlarge them.]
"Church of St Jsmes, St James' Road." Historic England. Web. 19 November 2019.
"Powell’s Opus Sectile Locations." Compiled by Dennis Hadley. Tiles and Architectural Ceramics Society. Web. 19 November 2019.
Wade, Robert. "St James' Church, Church Kirk, Church, Accrington, Hyndburn, Lancashire" Flickr. Web. 19 November 2019.
Created 19 November 2019