Princess Alice, Grand Duchess of Hesse (1843-1878),” by Susan Durant (1827-1873). Left: marble medallion of the princess as part of the Triqueti Marbles in the Albert Memorial Chapel, Windsor, c. 1866. Right: metal medallion, c.1864-66, 4 1/4" x 3 3/8" (108 mm x 85 mm), in the National Portrait Gallery collection, NPG 2023a(9), given by Sir Henry Paul Harvey (Susan Durant's son by Triqueti) in 1924. Queen Victoria commissioned the work in the chapel and had other versions made of Durant's portraits of the royal family. Princess Alice was Victoria's third child and second daughter. As in other cases, the reduced metal version is crisper. [Click on the images to enlarge them.]

Related Material
Text by Jacqueline Banerjee. Photograph of the marble version, cropped from a photograph of Plate XLIX of the Davisons' book, reproduced by kind permission of the British Library. Metal Medallion, courtesy of © National Portrait Gallery.
Davison, Jane and Margaret. The Triqueti Marbles in the Albert Memorial Chapel, Windsor. A series of photographs executed by the Misses Davison. With a preface” by Jane Davison (1876). Available at the British Library. General Reference Section 1762.d.3.
Created 20 May 2016