
Born in Paris. Entered Petite école on advice of Carpeaux in 1851, and in 1854 he became a student at école des Beaux Arts. Implicated in The Commune, took refuge in London, 1871. Greeted by student contemporary, Alphonse Legros who, aided Dalou's establishment in London. Exhibited R.A. 1872-79. Teacher of modelling South Kensington 1877-80, also at Lambeth. He exerted great influence on many British sculptors before returning to Paris in 1880. Works in England include many portrait busts in terra cotta, marble and bronze. Also Charity for Fountain near Royal Exchange. — British Sculpture 1850-1914
Left: Alophonse Legros’s drypoint portrait. Right: Auguste Rodin's bronze portrait bust of Dalou, 1884. Musée d'Orsay.
Biographical material
Full-length figures
- Charity
- French peasant nursing (2 versions)
- Mother and Child
- The Peasant
- Boulonnaise carrying her child
- Charity, also called Maternity
- The Republic
- Torso of a Woman
- Le Verite Meconnue (The Truth Revealed)
- 19-inches; dark brown patination
- 13¼ inches; dark brown patination
- 8½ inches; dark brown patination
- 8½ inches; light brown patination
- 5½ inches; silver
- 5½ inches; bronze
- Desespoir (Despair)
- Le Jour de Rameaux à Boulogne (Palm Sunday in Boulogne)
- La Boulognese
- Charity Drinking Fountain (also known as La Maternité)
- Eugénie Maria Wynne
- Monument to Louis Auguste Blanqui (1805-1881)
- Wisdom supporting Liberty (Monument to Lééon Gambetta)
- Bather Drying her Right Foot (I)
- Bather Drying her Right Foot (II)
- Bather Surprised
- Bather before the bath
- Woman Bathing
- Seated Nude
- Falling Woman
- Falling Man
- Femme cousant
- Peace
- Study of a woman for The Republic
- Supplication
- Large Sower
- Small Sower
- Butchering a Cow
- Untitled (peasant sharpening his scythe)

- Henri Rochefort
- Bacchante
- La Boulognese
- Eugénie Maria Wynne
- Monument to Charles Floquet
- Portrait of a Man
- Head of a Sleeping Baby (marble)
- Head of a Sleeping Baby (bronze)
- Bust of Mademoiselle Vuillier
- Buste d'enfant (Bust of a child)

Bas reliefs
Aimé-Jules Dalou (1897-1902). Online exhibition catalogue. London: Bowman Sculpture, 2014. Web. 29 November 2014.

Beattie, Susan. The New Sculpture. New Haven: Yale University Press, 1983.
British Sculpture 1850-1914. A loan exhibition of sculpture and medals sponsored by The Victorian Society. London: Fine Art Society, 1968.
Last modified 4 June 2019