[Adapted from The Victorian Pulpit: Spoken and Written sermons in Nineteenth-Century Britain.]

Charles Haddon Spurgeon
John Henry Newman
George MacDonald
General Studies - Nineteenth Century
"The Abolition of sermons." Saturday Review 56 (1883): 499-500.
Arnold, Matthew. "The Literary Influence of Academies." Prose of the Victorian Period. Ed. William E. Buckler. Boston: Houghton Mifflin, 1958. 441-457.
Breakey, S. Leslie. "A Few Words About sermons." Cornhill Magazine 3 (1861): 544-52.
Brown, J. Baldwin. "Is the Pulpit Losing its Power?" Living Age 133 (1877): 304-13.
Burns, Islay. "Modern Preaching." North British Review 38 (1863): 423-53.
Cadman, S. Parkes. "Famous English Preachers." Chautauquan 19 (1894): 184-91.
Campbell, George. Lectures on Systematic Theology and Pulpit Eloquence. Ed. Henry J. Ripley. Boston: Lincoln and Edmands, 1832.
Dale, R. W. Nine Lectures on Preaching. 7th ed. London: Hodder and Stoughton, 1893.
Davies, James. "Preachers and Preaching." Contemporary Review 9 (1868): 203-20.
Davies, William. "The English Pulpit." Review of The Penny Pulpit: a Collection of accurately-reported sermons by the most eminent Ministers of various Denominations. Living Age 120 (1874): 67-86. First published in Quarterly Review 135 (1873): 297-331.
Dowden, John. Review of The Decay of Modern Preaching, by J. P. Mahaffy. The Academy 21 (1882): 225-26.
"An Essay on Extemporary Preaching." Methodist Magazine 38 (1815): 577-85.
Evans, A. Eubule. "A Discourse Upon sermons." Macmillans 57 (1887): 58-63.
"Extempore Preaching." London Quarterly Review 37 (1872): 448-72.
Homiletical and Pastoral Lectures. Ed. C. J. Ellicott. New York: A. C. Armstrong & Son, 1880.
Gresley, W. Ecclesiastes Anglicanus: Being a Treatise on Preaching, as Adapted to a Church of England Congregation: In a Series of Letters to a Young Clergyman. New York: D. Appleton, 1844.
Grundy, C. H. "Dull sermons." Macmillans 34 (1876): 264-67.
Hanna, William. "Recent sermons--Scotch, English, and Irish." North British Review 24 (1856): 479-504.
Harrison, Frederic. "On Style in English Prose." Living Age 218 (1898): 230-238. First published in Nineteenth Century 42 (1868): 432-42.
Herbert, H. H. M. "The Art of Preaching." National Review 2 (1883): 23-34.
Johns, B. G. "The Manufacture of sermons." Contemporary Review 8 (1868): 262-81.
Johns, B.G.. "The Traffic in sermons." Nineteenth Century 31 (1892): 197-207.
Jones, Harry. "The Parish Priest." Fraser's Magazine 71 (1865): 526-36.
Littlewood, Howard. "The sermon Trade." St. Paul's 3 (1869): 594-98.
Manson, Edward. "The Art of Rhetoric." Westminster Review 148 (1897): 630-44.
Masson, David. "The Pulpit in the Nineteenth Century." Fraser's Magazine 30 (1844): 287-94.
Merivale, Louisa A. "The English Pulpit." North British Review 45 (1866): 145-88.
"The Modern British Pulpit." London Quarterly Review 2 (1854): 349-74.
"Modern Preaching." Fraser's Magazine 79 (1869): 254-68.
"Modern sermons." Review of sermons, Explanatory and Practical, on the Thirty-Nine Articles of the Church of England, in a Series of Discourses Delivered at the Parish Church of St. Alphage, Greenwich, by T. Waite. Monthly Review 112 (1827): 225-30.
Mulock, Dinah. "sermons." Cornhill 9 (1864): 33-40.
"Of sermon-Making." The Congregationalist 7 (1878): 720-23.
Oliphant, Margaret. "sermons." Blackwood's 92 (1862): 202-20.
Pater, Walter. "Style." Prose of the Victorian Period. Ed. William E. Buckler. Boston: Houghton Mifflin, 1958. 553-570.
"The Philosophy of Style." Living Age 35 (1852): 401-410.
"A Plebiscite about Preachers." The Spectator 57 (1884): 1296-97.
"A Preacher on Preaching." Review of Lectures on Preaching, by W. Boyd Carpenter. Saturday Review 80 (1895): 245.
"Preachers and Preaching." Tait's Edinburgh Magazine ns 23 (1856): 689-93.
"Preachers of the Day." Living Age 161 (1884): 294-304.
"The Pulpit." Tait's Edinburgh Magazine ns 26 (1859): 412-19.
Rigg, J. H. "On Preaching." London Quarterly Review 28 (1867): 365-403.
Rigg, J. H.. "The Pulpit and Its Influence." Review of sermons, Doctrinal and Practical, by William Archer Butler. Eclectic Magazine 40 (1857): 377-88. First published as "The Pulpit: Professor Butler's sermons." London Quarterly 7 (1857):461-77.
Robinson, Canon. "sermons and Preaching." Macmillans 7 (1863): 409-16.
Rogers, H. "The British Pulpit." Review of sermons to a Country Congregation, by Augustus William Hale. Edinburgh Review 72 (1840): 66-98.
"sermons." Church Quarterly Review 25 (1887): 107-118.
"sermons and Their Hearers." Eclectic Magazine ns 44 (1886): 258-60.
"Some Modern sermons." Church Quarterly Review 34 (1892): 470-79.
"Some Tendencies of Prose Style." Edinburgh Review 190 (1899): 356-376.
Thomson, William. "On the Emotions in Preaching." Homiletical and Pastoral Lectures. Ed. C. J. Ellicott. New York: A. C. Armstrong & Son, 1880. 81-102.
Thorold, Anthony W. "The Preparation of a sermon." Homiletical and Pastoral Lectures. Ed. C. J. Ellicott. New York: A. C. Armstrong & Son, 1880. 1-23.
Wenham, J. G. "sermons and Preachers." Review of The Grounds of Faith. A Series of Four Lectures, by H. E. Manning. Dublin Review 36 (1854): 1-19.
General Studies -- Twentieth Century
Bowen, Desmond. The Idea of the Victorian Church: A Study of the Church of England 1833-1889. Montreal: McGill University Press, 1968.
Brastow, Lewis O. Representative Modern Preachers. New York: Hodder & Stoughton, 1904.
Cruse, Amy. The Victorians and Their Reading. Boston: Houghton Mifflin Company, 1935.
Dargan, Edwin Charles. A History of Preaching. Vol. 2. Grand Rapids, Michigan: Baker Book House, 1974.
Davies, Horton. Worship and Theology in England. Vol. 4. Princeton: Princeton University Press, 1962.
Houghton, Walter. The Victorian Frame of Mind, 1830-1870. New Haven: Yale UP, 1957.
Mackerness, Eric David. The Heeded Voice: Studies in the Literary Status of the Anglican sermon, 1830-1900. Cambridge: W. Heffer & Sons, 1959.
Madden, William A. "Macaulay's Style." The Art of Victorian Prose. Ed. George Levine and William A. Madden. New York: Oxford University Press, 1968. 129.
Pattison, T. Harwood. The History of Christian Preaching. Philadelphia: American Baptist Publication Society, 1903.
Scott, Patrick. "The Business of Belief: The Emergence of 'Religious' Publishing." Sanctity and Secularity: The Church and the World. Ed. Derek Baker. Oxford: Basil Blackwell, 1973. 213-223.
Webber, F. R. A History of Preaching in Britain and America. 3 vols. Milwaukee, Wisconsin: Northwestern Publishing House, 1952.
Wilkinson, William Cleaver. Modern Masters of Pulpit Discourse. New York: Funk & Wagnall's, 1905.
Charles Haddon Spurgeon - Primary Sources
Spurgeon, Charles Haddon. C. H. Spurgeon Autobiography. 2 vols. Edinburgh: Banner of Truth Trust, 1962.
Spurgeon, Charles Haddon. Lectures to My Students. Grand Rapids, Michigan: Zondervan, 1975.
Spurgeon, Charles Haddon. sermons of Rev. C.H. Spurgeon. 19 vols. New York: Funk and Wagnalls, n.d.
Spurgeon, Charles Haddon. Spurgeon's Expository Encyclopedia. Vol. 3. Grand Rapids, Michigan: Baker Book House, 1951.
Charles Haddon Spurgeon -- Nineteenth-Century Materials
"Charles Spurgeon and the Pulpit." Review of The Park Street Pulpit, Containing sermons Preached and Revised by the Rev. C. H. Spurgeon, by Charles Haddon Spurgeon. Eclectic Magazine 42 (1857): 224-28.
Hervey, G. N. "Spurgeon as a Preacher." Christian Review 22 (1857): 296-316.
"Mr. Spurgeon at Fifty." The Critic and Good Literature 5 (1884): 21.
Peabody, A. P. "Spurgeon." North American Review 86 (1858): 275-79.
"sermons and sermonizers." Fraser's Magazine 55 (1857): 84-94.
Charles Haddon Spurgeon -- Twentieth-Century Studies
Bacon, Ernest W. Spurgeon: Heir of the Puritans. London: George Allen & Unwin, Ltd, 1967.
Drummond, Lewis. Spurgeon: Prince of Preachers. Grand Rapids, Michigan: Kregel Publications, 1992.
John Henry Newman - Primary Sources
Newman, John Henry. The Idea of a University. Ed. I. T. Ker. Oxford: The Clarendon Press, 1976.
Newman, John Henry. Parochial and Plain sermons. 8 vols. London: Longmans, Green, 1868.
Newman, John Henry. sermons, Chiefly on the Theory of Religious Belief, Preached Before the University of Oxford. 2nd ed. London: Francis & John Rivington, 1844.
John Henry Newman -- Nineteenth-Century Materials
Arnold, Matthew. Discourses in America. London: Macmillan, 1885.
Church, R. W. "Newman's Parochial sermons." Review of Parochial and Plain sermons, by John Henry Newman. Living Age 102 (1869): 151-57.
Froude, James Anthony. Short Studies on Great Subjects. Vol. 4. London: Longmans, Green, 1886.
Prothero, Roland. "Newman in the English Church." Edinburgh Review 173 (1891): 526-62.
Review of sermons, Bearing on Subjects of the Day, by John Henry Newman. Christian Remembrancer 7 (1844): 102-13.
Tracey, J. V. "John Henry Newman as a Preacher." The American Catholic Quarterly Review 16 (1891): 225-39.
Vaughan, E. T. "J. H. Newman as Preacher." Review of Parochial and Plain sermons, by John Henry Newman. Contemporary Review 10 (1869): 37-52.
Ward, W. G. "Newman's Discourses." Review of Discourses Addressed to Mixed Congregations, by John Henry Newman. Dublin Review 28 (1850): 181-209.
Wilberforce, H. W. "F. Newman's Oxford Parochial sermons." Review of Parochial and Plain sermons, by John Henry Newman. Dublin Review ns 12 (1869): 309-30.
Wiseman, Nicholas. "Newman's sermons." Review of sermons bearing on Subjects of the Day, by John Henry Newman. Dublin Review 15 (1843): 547-57.
John Henry Newman -- Twentieth-Century Studies
Bouyer, L. "Great Preachers--XIII. John Henry Newman." Theology 55 (1952): 87-91.
DeLaura, David J. "'O Unforgotten Voice': The Memory of Newman in the Nineteenth Century." Renascence 43 (1990): 81-104.
DeSantis, Edward. "Newman's Concept of the Church in the World as in His Parochial and Plain sermons." American Benedictine Review 21 (1970): 268-92.
Gable, Mariella. "Newman's Anglican sermons." Catholic World 148 (1939): 431-37.
Griffiths, Eric. "Newman: The Foolishness of Preaching." Newman after a Hundred Years. Ed. Ian Ker and Alan G. Hill. Oxford: Clarendon Press, 1990. 63-91.
Jost, Walter. Rhetorical Thought in John Henry Newman. Columbia: University of South Carolina Press, 1989.
Ker, Ian. John Henry Newman: A Biography. Oxford: Oxford University Press, 1988.
Middleton, R. D. "The Vicar of St. Mary's." John Henry Newman, Centenary Essays. Ed. Henry Tristram. London: Burns, Oates, and Washbourne, 1945. 127-138.
Wildman, John Hazard. "Newman in the Pulpit: The Power of Simplicity." Studies in the Literary Imagination 8 (1975): 63-75.
George MacDonald - Primary Sources
MacDonald, George. Annals of a Quiet Neighbourhood. 1867. Reprint, Eureka, California: Sunrise Books, 1992.
MacDonald, George. An Expression of Character: The Letters of George MacDonald. Ed. Glenn Edward Sadler. Grand Rapids, Michigan: William B. Eerdmans, 1994.
MacDonald, George. George MacDonald in the Pulpit: The 'Spoken' sermons of George MacDonald. Comp. J. Joseph Flynn and David Edwards. Whitethorn, California: Johannesen Printing and Publishing, 1996.
MacDonald, George. The Seaboard Parish. London: George Routledge and Sons, n.d.
MacDonald, George. Unspoken sermons. 3 Vols. 1867-1889. Reprint, Eureka, California: Sunrise Books, 1988-1995.
George MacDonald - 19th Century Materials
Geddes, W. D. "George MacDonald as a Poet." Blackwoods Magazine 149 (1891): 361-70.
"George MacDonald as a Teacher of Religion." London Quarterly Review 31 (1869): 402-26.
"A Great Scottish Teacher." The Spectator 86 (1901): 382-83.
"Mr. George MacDonald's New sermons." Review of Unspoken sermons, by George MacDonald. The Spectator 58 (1885): 852-53.
George MacDonald -- Twentieth-Century Studies
Hein, Rolland. George MacDonald: Victorian Mythmaker. Nashville, Tennessee: Star Song Publishing Group, 1993.
MacDonald, Greville. George MacDonald and His Wife. New York: Dial Press, 1924.
Raeper, William. George MacDonald. Herts, England: Lion Publishing, 1987.
Reis, Richard. George MacDonald. New York: Twayne, 1972.
Robb, David S. "George MacDonald at Blackfriars Chapel." North Wind 5 (1986): 3-20.
Additional adaptations of the Victorian Pulpit available on the Victorian Web
- Theories of Preaching
- Methods of Delivery
- Well-Known Preachers
- Sermon Publishing and Reviewing
- The "Efficiency" of Victorian Preaching
- Charles Haddon Spurgeon
- John Henry Newman
- George MacDonald
- Table of Contents of the Print Version
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Last modified 11 April 2018