[Eunice and Ron Shanahan have shared with readers of the Victorian Web this material from their website, Letters from the Past. Click on thumbnails for larger images.]
This letter is over 200 years old, from A Clerke in Ely, Cambridgeshire, to her sister Lady Clerke in Bath, Somerset.

The postal markings are
- London Morning Duty date stamp of APR 30 1803
- manuscript charges 11 (or 1/1) crossed out and replaced with the figure ‘9’, and
- a boxed mileage mark of ELY 68
Mileage Marks: Town stamps which included a mileage figure
many years the cost of posting a letter was based
on the number of sheets and the distance the letter was carried. Surveys were
carried out to calculate the distance between towns, and specifically the distance
from London. This was because until the introduction of local 'Penny posts',
and 'cross posts', letters sent from one part of Britain to another had to go
into London and then out again. All over the country milestones were erected
by the side of the main roads to inform travellers — many of these milestones
are still there. However, the mileages were often inaccurate so in 1797 it was
ordered that mileage marks should be removed from the office name stamps, but
not all were removed.
In 1801, two years before this letter was written, postal rates were altered again and mileage marks came back into general use. There were different types of mileage mark in use over the years, including this ‘boxed’ type. If you would like to see more information about mileage marks, go to this website.
The initial charge mark was wrong as the mileage was worked out by adding the 68 miles from Ely to London, then the 109 miles from London to Bath, making 177 miles, and the rate in force from 1801 to 1805 was 9 pence for a distance of between 170 to 230 miles.
So now to the letter itself which is addressed to “Lady Clerke, Great Poultney Street, Bath”, a gossipy letter covering family and general news. At this time, spelling was not standardised, and many writers used their own abbreviations, such as ‘whh’ for ‘which’ etc, and capitalised many of the words. I have transcribed it exactly as it was written. She begins rather formally, considering the letter is to her sister, with congratulations, and sounds unselfishly happy about the news.
When I wrote to you last, my Dear Lady Clerke to acknowledge the receipt of yr draft I had not time to say half what I wishd upon the occasion and indeed my Dear it is with the greatest pleasure (I can find in contemplation on the affairs of this World) that I think of yr acquisition of the money from India. Indeed My Dear it appears to me a wonderfull act of divine Providence and will I think as long as I am capable of reflection be a subject gratefull to my mind and I pray God give you health and happiness in the injoyment of it.
As for myself, could I command the Indias they could not afford me more gratefull and pleasant sensations than the Lord has blest me with in regard to money. Within this year I have had a proof (at a very critical time) of the integrity and liberality of one Friend and I have had it in my power to assist another, and one who of all the world I could most wish to have it in my power to serve. But my greatest concern at present is another Friend that I think truly worthy but am much afraid of loseing and am sure the greatest service I could do her would be to introduce her to yr acquaintance if I could contrive it.
She then continues with news of the ill health of a friend, and showing a rather low opinion of the medical practitioner of the time.
The only hopes I have for her is if possible to get her out of the Physicians hands under whose directions she is wareing away her life which is realy a valuable one to her fellow creatures, and get her under Mr Townsends directions of whose skill I’m sure I have reason to think very superior to any of the Physical tribe I ever had anything to do with, and if my Dear Miss Bentham can but recover the present depression of spirits on account of the death of an only brother, and strength enough for a journey to Bath I shall hope to bring her and Mr Townsend acquainted. And I know she has an old friend there, a Mrs Quick, very well known to you. But I beg you will ask Mr T if it is not unusual to go to Tonbridge with liver cases and jaundice as her malady apparently is, and there she was kept three months at least (by a Dr Mayhew I think is the name) tho he did not let her drink the waters, but all the Bennifit gained there seems intirely the Doctors own emolument for she certainly returned no better than she whent.
I have to thank you my Dear Sister for a very kind Letter previous to your last with a beautiful extract from King copy’d by Miss Williams to whom I beg you will give my kind love and thanks, and assure the Dear Girl she stands high in my love and esteem. I often think My Dear of the two matches in our family yrs and Mats in which I am sure you both have oft had cause to rue many unpleasant circumstances but upon the whole it is now I think a subject of reflection and thanksgiving to both of you — at least it is to me — that such was the way through which the Lord our God has brought us, as to render us maker of joy and comfort to each other in various circumstances, amongst which I must recon the having been introduced to the knowledge and acquaintance of many respectable and amiable characters the thoughts of whom wether I can se them or not, call up gratefull and pleasant sensations in my mind.”
“Our cousin Anne Mosely is returnd to Ely once more after an absence of some months nor do I think any nearer marrying than when you last saw her she flirts with one and coquets with another till I believe she will be forsaken by all if she does not alter her conduct .”
She then continues with news of mutual friends and acquaintances, most of it bad news but she is still determinedly cheerful.
You will see in the papers Doctor Layard the Dean of Bristol is gone — a heavy stroke for his family — the young man ye eldest son that you saw at Bath was upon the point of being married to a girl not worth a shilling — I wish his Fathers death may bring him to a wiser conduct. Mr Pegus — who married a sister of Dr Layards and was at Bath the same time we were — it has pleased God graciously to call Home, for he has been in a deplorable state of health a long time. But indeed Death has mown down an uncommon number of our friends and acquaintance within this 12 month, Pray God fit and prepare us for our own call.
Pray let me hear from you soon I am truly sorry for the complaint in your
eye perhaps dear Miss Townsend (to who I beg my kindest respects) would be
kind enough to give me a line or two if your eyes will not permit, or Miss
Williams if she has not left you. Assure Mr Townsend of my constant good wishes
and sincerest regard but I much wish to se you both and if you come to London
and do not stretch ye line to Ely I shall be truly mortifyd. God bless you
Yrs affectionately
A Clerke
Ely April 29th 1803”
On the outside of the letter she has added this note:
Mat writes in kind Love & best wishes, & rejoyces very sincerely in the providential event of yr acquistion from India”.
This letter really appeals to me as it shows that although the language has evolved, people have not changed much over the past 200 years.
Last modified 25 May 2010