Introductory Material
Related Material
- Cast iron stoves, fireplaces, and mangles in a crofter’s home
- The Fenella, an 0-4-0 tank engine on the Isle of Man
Winterbottom, Derek. T. E. Brown, His Life and Legacy: A Biography. Douglas, Isle of Man: The Manx Experience, 1997. Internet Archive, digitised by the Bristol Record Society. Web. 9 October 2023.
_____. "Economic History." A New History of the Isle of Man. Edited by John Belchem. Liverpool: Liverpool University Press, 2000.
_____. Governors of the Isle of Man since 1765. 1999. 2nd ed. Douglas, Isle of Man: Manx Heritage Foundation, 2012.
_____. Henry Bloom Noble: His life and the Work of his Trust. Douglas, Isle of Man: Manx Heritage Foundation, 2005.
_____. Profile of Castletown. Ramsey, Isle of Man: Lily Publications, 2010
_____. Profile of the Isle of Man. Ramsey, Isle of Man: Lily Publications, 2007.
_____. Sophia Morrison, Mona Douglas and their Enchanted Isle. Isle of Man: Alondra Books, 2019.
Created 11 October 2012
Last modified 10 October 2023