he Research Society for Periodicals (RSVP) is pleased to announce that we are currently accepting applications for our annual Curran Fellowship Awards. Completed applications are due January 15, 2025.
The Curran Fellowships are research and travel awards intended to support the use of primary sources for the exploration of any aspects of the British periodical press in any of its manifold forms, ranging from within Britain itself to the many countries, within and outside of the Empire, where British magazines and newspapers circulated during the long nineteenth century.
Curran Fellowships are not intended to support historical or literary research that merely makes some use of nineteenth-century periodicals as sources. Rather, they are intended to support research that tells us something new about the nature of particular publications, their role in the literary marketplace from the long nineteenth-century, and/or the people who wrote, illustrated, edited, published, sold, bought, and read them. In other words, proposals must treat the periodical press as an object of study in its own right, and not just as a source of material for other historical topics.
More information regarding fellowship guidelines and examples from past awardees can be found on our website.
Created 20 December 2024