Left: Autograph portrait of Joseph Severn, aged about 27 (Sharp, facing p.248). Right: Grave of Jospeh Severn, next to Keats's in the English Cemetery in Rome (Sharp, facing p. 252). Below right: Arthur Severn Reading, by Laurence Hilliard [click on this one for more information].
Works by Joseph Severn (1793-1879)
- Isabella and the Pot of Basil (1877)
- Ophelia (1877)
- Ariel — "Where the bee sucks, there suck I."
- Ariel — "On the bat's wing do I fly."
Works by his son Arthur Severn (1842-1931)

Related Material
- (Ann) Mary Newton (Arthur Severn's younger sister)
- From the Spanish Steps to Munstead Wood (about the Severn family and its connections)
- Marie Corelli's Love Letters to Arthur Severn
Birkenhead, Sheila. Illustrious Friends: The Story of Joseph Severn and His Son Arthur. New York: Reynal & Co. 1965.
Brown, Sue. Joseph Severn, A Life: The Rewards of Friendship. Oxford: Oxford University Press, 2009.
Hardie, Martin. Water-colour Painting in Britain III. The Victorian Period. Ed. Dudley Snelgrove with Jonathan Mayne and Basil Taylor. London: B. T. Batsford, 1968.
Ruskin, John. Works. Ed. E. T. Cook and Alexander Wedderburn. 39 vols. London: George Allen, 1903-12.
Scott, Grant. Joseph Severn. London: Routledge, 2017.
Sharp, William. The Life and Letters of Joseph Severn. London: Sampson Low, Marston & Co., 1892. Internet Archive. Contributed by Cornell University ibraries. Web. 5 January 2020.
Last modified 5 January 2020