Raffaelle and the Fornarina

(After) Raffaelle and the Fornarina

Sir Augustus Wall Callcott (1779-1844)

Engraved by J. and G. P. Nicholls

Painting exhibited in 1837; engraving for the Art Union, 1843

Engraving: 610 x 410 mm; 780 mm (H); 560 mm (W), as given by the National Trust, which holds a copy in its collections.

Printed "Exclusively for the members of the Art Union of London," from the painting owned by Sir George Philips: "A young man sits beside a young woman who is shown in profile plucking petals from a rose. The man holds a paintbrush and sketch pad on his knee. Printed with an inset arched top" (National Trust). [Commentary continues below. Mouse over the text for links.]

Image scan, text and formatting by Jacqueline Banerjee/

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