Arnott, Brian. Edward Gordon Craig & Hamlet. Ottawa: National Gallery of Canada, 1975.
Bablet, Denis. Edward Gordon Craig. Trans. Daphne Woodward. NY: Theatre Arts Books, 1966.
Craig, Edward Gordon. Index to the Story of My Days. London: Hulton Press, 1957.
Craig, Edward. Gordon Craig: The Story of His Life. NY: Alfred A. Knopf, 1968.
Eynat-Confino, Irène. Beyond the Mask: Gordon Craig, Movement, and the Actor. Carbondale: Southern Illinois UP, 1987.
Fletcher, Ifan Kyle and Arnold Rood. Edward Gordon Craig: A Bibliography. London: STR, 1967.
Franklin, Colin. Fond of Printing: Gordon Craig as Typographer & Illustrator. NY: The Typophiles, 1980.
Innes, Christopher. Edward Gordon Craig. Cambridge & NY: CUP, 1983.
Leeper, Janet. Edward Gordon Craig: Designs for the Theatre. Middlesex, Eng.: Penguin (King Penguin Book), 1948.
Marotti, Ferruccio. Gordon Craig. Bologna: Cappelli, 1961.
Adlard, Eleanor. Edy: Recollections of Edith Craig. London: Frederick Muller, 1949. See also sources under Terry, Ellen.
Forbes-Robertson, Sir Johnston. A Player Under Three Reigns. Boston: Little, Brown, 1925.