he Victorian Web, the internet’s oldest and largest website devoted to Victoriana, seeks a History Editor to join our international all-volunteer team.
Responsibilities include:
- Evaluating submitted articles for quality, relevance, appropriateness, completeness, and accessibility; finding peer reviewers for those contributions if necessary
- Editorial tasks including verifying sources, documentation; evaluating soundness of the argument; checking for plagiarism; copyediting
- Locating permissions-free images to accompany articles
- Maintenance tasks such as reviewing existing materials and updating them as necessary, and finding and repairing broken links
- Recruiting book reviewers and writing occasional reviews
- Updating indexes and bibliographies as needed; adding links to existing pages as needed
- Recruiting book reviewers and writing occasional reviews
- Contributing occasional articles and commissioning new work
- Collaborating with other editors, especially on cross-disciplinary contributions and materials
- Regular participation in editorial team meetings
Suggested time commitment: 10 hours per month including team meetings; some editorial processes may be delegated to undergraduate or graduate students working under the supervision of the editor (e.g. identifying and communicating with vetters, preliminary copy editing and HTML mark-up).
Qualifications: Applicants should have a PhD in a relevant field and a record of scholarly publication; should be comfortable working in a distributed environment using Slack, email, Dropbox, Google Workspace, Zoom, and other distributed work platforms; should be able to attend monthly virtual team meetings held between noon and 3 pm EST on weekdays; and have solid understanding of and facility with HTML and CSS.
This is a volunteer position.
To apply, send a letter of interest and CV to Diane Josefowicz, Managing Editor, diane[at]victorianweb.org by September 30.
Last modified 16 August 2023