- Baked Potato Man: “Baked Potatoes, All Hot!”
- Bavarian broom sellers: “Buy a Broom!”
- Seller of Bird Cages: “Buy a Cage for Your Fine Singing Bird”
- The cat's meat man (pet food): “Cat's Meat! — Dog's Meat!”
- Chairs Mender: “Old chairs to Mend! — Rush or Cane Bottoms — Old chairs to Mend!”
- Chimney sweep: “Sweep! — Soot Oh!”
- The Costard-Monger (fruitseller)
- Fish seller: “Mackarel! New Mackarel!”
- Flower seller: “Bow Pots! (or Bay Pots!) Two a Penny!”
- The Garbage Man: “Dust Oh! — Dust Oh!”
- Image seller “Images! Buy Images!”
- Lace Seller: “Pity the Poor Blind!”
- The Match Girl: “Matches! — Buy a box of matches from a poor girl!”
- Milkman: “Milk Below!”
- Muffin man: “Muffins! — Crumpets!”
- The Oranges seller: “Oranges! Sweet St. Michael Oranges!”
- Poultryman: “Wild Duck, Rabbit, or Fowl!”
- Sharpener: “Knifes and Scissors to Grind!”
- The Tinker: “ Pots and Kettles to Mend! — Copper or brass to mend!”
- Turkish Rhubarb seller: “Rhubarb! — Fine Turkey Rhubarb!”
- Umbrella man: “Umbrellas to Mend! — Any old ones to sell!”
- Used clothing merchant: “Old Clothes!”
- Water Cress seller: “Water Cresses”

1 February 2009