ext year, leading Victorian organizations around the world will be conducting an experiment in "flightless" conference-going. We write now to share the Call for Papers:
You can find a detailed overview here:
You can find confirmed participants here:
The short of it: traditional academic conferences have been problematic for two main reasons. They incur massive carbon footprint and they make it difficult for contingent and non-tenure-track faculty to participate. Some organizers have attempted to run conferences online; however, most people cannot sit through more than one panel before they need a break from the screen.
We propose a hybrid approach: monthly Zoom panels starting January 2024 followed by a series of face-to-face hub events across the world in September 2024. Pick the hub closest to you! To facilitate substantive interaction across time zones, we will use a new password-protected platform on COVE to share and discuss papers delivered at the Zoom and hub events. This platform will facilitate asynchronous networking in a format that does not require a strong internet connection, unlike Zoom. You can participate in the conference in any way you wish: just the Zoom panels, just the hubs, just COVE, whatever works best for you.
Our climate and humanities crises compel us to seek out more equitable, sustainable ways of conferencing. We hope you'll join us in this experiment. We can learn what is possible only by doing, and by working together.
If you have questions or suggestions, do not hesitate to email us.
Cross-hub organizers:
- Montreal, QC
- Konstanz, Germany
- Frankfurt, Germany
- Melbourne, Australia
- Seoul, South Korea
- Belfast, Northern Ireland
- Cardiff, Wales
- Hawarden, Wales
- Stirling, Scotland
- Atlanta, GA
- Boston, MA
- Boulder, CO
- Davis, CA
- Seattle, WA
- West Lafayette, IN
- Waco, TX
Created 28 June 2023