his is a Victorian Popular Fiction Association (VPFA) Study Day at the University of Birmingham (UK) on 15 September 2023.
KEYNOTE: Dr Eleanor Dobson (Associate Prof in English Literature at the University of Birmingham) Paper Title TBC.
WORKSHOP: Dr Leire Olabarria (Lecturer in Egyptology at the University of Birmingham) will run a session on the amassing of Egyptian collections in the long nineteenth century, with a focus on Britain and the Eton-Myers Collection.
Egypt has long been a subject of interest for literary, cultural, and political exchange. This interest was perhaps most salient in the nineteenth century – when empires ruled the world, and Egypt was pillaged for its resources and artefacts. Questions of ethics and morality were present throughout the century but were often shelved or paled in favour of grand tales of exploration, discovery, and revival. This conference intends to explore the alluring fictional tales in the period but is also interested in where historical accuracy has given way to creative license, what audiences have been considered, and how Egyptology was ‘consumed’ in the nineteenth century.
We invite papers on topics including, but not limited to:
- Egyptian language
- Art, architecture and/or landscape
- Archaeology
- Fictional or historical accounts
- Epigraphy
- Museum studies
- The ethics of displaying Egyptian bodies
- Ancient Egyptian bodies and science
- Travel writing
- Mummy curse stories
- Non-human bodies: animals, insects, etc.
- Race, gender, sexuality and/or class
- Ability/ disability
We invite proposals for 15 to 20 minute papers, which should be sent in the body of an email to NotesfromtheNile@gmail.com by 30 June 2023. Other forms of presentation will be considered. Abstracts should be maximum 250 words and should be accompanied by a short biographical note.
Take a look at our website https://notesfromnile.wordpress.com/ and get in touch at NotesfromtheNile@gmail.com if you have any questions.
Created 31 May 2023