Women as helpless, chained (and usually naked) victims

- Andromeda and other women in chains
- Slave Eroticism
- Hiram Powers, The Greek Slave
- Benjamin Clemens, Immolate
- S. Nichoson Babb's The Victim
- Sir Edward Coley Burne-Jones, The Rock of Doom
- Sir Edward Poynter, Zenobia Captive
- J. W. Waterhouse's Mariamne Leaving the Judgement Seat of Herod
Rescued Women
Failed Rescues
- George Frederick Watts, Orpheus and Euridice
- George Frederick Watts, Orpheus and Euridice (vertical format)
Religious and Other Martyrs (usually prone)
- J. W. Waterhouse's St. Eulalia
- [Compare Ophelia, a martyr to love]
- Paul delaRoche, The Christian Martyr
Examples from Late-Nineteenth- and Early-Twentieth Century Eastern Europe
- Women in chains (coming soon)
- The Crucified Woman (coming soon)
Last modified 19 May 2007