A Note on Sources of the author's Pegasus in Harness: Victorian Publishing and W. M. Thackeray, which University Press of Virginia published in 1992. It has been included in the Victorian Web with the kind permission of the author, who of course retains copyright.
This web version is a project supported by the University Scholars Programme of the National University of Singapore. Scanning, basic HTML conversion, and proofreading were carried out by Gerhard Rolletschek, a Postgraduate Visiting Scholar from the University of Munich, working under the direction of George P. Landow, who added links to materials in VW.
References to Thackeray's published letters, cited simply as Letters with a volume and page designation, are to The Letters and Private Papers of William Makepeace Thackeray, ed. Gordon N. Ray. 4 vols. Cambridge: Harvard Univ. Press, 1946.
Unless otherwise noted, all references to Thackeray's works are to first editions. See Appendix B.
The following location references are used for manuscript materials. Unpublished materials are used by permission of the repositories and printed by permission of the Thackeray estate, represented by Mrs. Belinda Norman-Butler:
Berg | Henry W. and Albert A. Berg Collection, New York Public Library |
Beinecke | Beinecke Rare Book and Manuscript Library, Yale University |
Bodleian | Bodleian Library, Oxford |
Bradbury, Agnew | Bradbury and Evans Archives, Bradbury, Agnew Publishers, London |
Bradbury Album | Punch Office, Bradbury, Agnew Publishers, London |
Butler | Butler Library, Columbia University |
Houghton | Houghton Library, Harvard University |
Huntington | Henry E. Huntington Library, San Marino, California |
Morgan | Pierpont Morgan Library, New York |
Murray | Smith, Elder Archives, owned by John Murray, Publishers, London |
NLS | National Library of Scotland, Edinburgh |
NYPL | New York Public Library |
NYU | Bobst Library, New York University |
PHS | Pennsylvania Historical Society, Philadelphia |
Transcription symbols
< > canceled matter
↑ ↓ inserted matter

Last modified 20 July 2012