Biographical Material

- L.E.L.’s Youth, First Poems, and William Jerdan
- Laetitia Landon’s Public Persona — brilliant, witty, and sarcastic
- Takes over book reviewing for The Literary Gazette
- Death of father made her family’s chief breadwinner
- Landon obtains a job for her brother Whittington
- Earnings from The Troubadour and Other Poems
- The Times uncovers Landon’s Affair — and Children — with William Jerdan
- Landon Almost Marries John Foster
- Landon Visits Paris in 1834
- Edits and contributes all content to the Drawing-Room Scrap Book, 1832-1839
- Landon’s Marriage and Departure for Africa
- Landon’s Mysterious Death — Murder, Suicide, or Accident?
- Landon’s Poetry as Mask
- Her poetry becomes darker in 1822
- Her poetry blatantly exposes affair with Jerdan
- Landon Moves from Poetry to Silver-Fork Novels
- Landon Continues Writing and Publishing as Tastes Change
Literary Relations
- Characterized in the press as the female Byron
- Admiration for Keats and Shelley
- Reception of Romance and Reality
- Her poetry criticized by Westminster Review
“Scenes from London” and Other Modern Subjects
Poems Paired with engravings of Indian scenes
- The Zenana
- “Tâj Mahal, — Agra. The Tomb of Muntza Zemani”
- “The Water Palace. — Mandoo”
- “Skeleton Group in the Rameswur, Caves of Ellora”
- “Benares”
- “Jumma Musjid, — Agra”
- “The City of Delhi”
- “The Palace of the Seven Stories”
- “Hurdwar, a Place of Hindoo Pilgrimage”
- “Sarnat, a Boodh [Buddhist] Monument”
- “Hindoo Temples at Benares”
- “Assar Mahal, Ruins near Agra”
- “The Tomb of Humaioon, Delhi”
- “The Kylas, Caves of Ellora”
- “The Tomb of Aurungzebe”
Other Poems Set in India and the Far East
- “Immolation of a Hindoo Widow”
- “The Hindoo Mother”
- “The Caves of Elephanta”
- “Sassoor, in the Deccan”
- “Shuhur, Jeypore”
- “Runjeet-Singh and His Suwaree of Seiks”
- “The Ganges”
- “Ruins about the Taj Mahal”
- “Hurdwar — the Gate of Vishnu”
- “The Tombs of the Kings of Golcanda”
- “Hindoo Temples and Palace at Madura”
- “The Hindoo Girl’s Song”
- “Jahara Baug Agra: The History of Shah Dara’s Flight and Death”
Poems: Poetical Sketches of Modern Pictures
- “Beautiful art! my worship is for thee
- “‘Portrait of a Lady’ by Sir Thomas Lawrence”
- “‘Juliet After the Masquerade’ by Thomson”
- “‘The Combat’ by Etty”
- “‘The Oriental Nosegay’ by Pickersgill”
- “‘The Fairy Queen Sleeping’ by Stothard”
- “‘A Child Screening a Dove from a Hawk’ by Stewardson”
- “‘The Enchanted Island’ by Danby”
- “‘Cupid and Swallows Flying from Winter’ by Dagley”
- “‘Love Nursed by Solitude’ by W. I. Thompson, Edinburgh”
- “‘Fairies by the Seashore’ by Howard”
- “‘A Girl at Her Devotions’ by Newton”
- “‘The Fairy Queen Sleeping’ by Stothard”
- “Felicia Hemans”
Enfield, D. E. L.E.L. A Mystery of the Thirties. London: Hogarth Press, 1928.
Gorman, Michael. L.E.L. The Life and Murder of Letitia E. Landon. London: Olympia Publishers, 2008.
Hall, S. C. Retrospect of a Long Life, 2 vols. London: Richard Bentley & Son, 1883.
Hall, S. C. The Book of Memories of Great Men and Women of the Age, from personal acquaintance. 2nd ed. London: Virtue & Co. 1877.
Lawford, Cynthia. “Thou shalt bid thy fair hands rove”: L.E.L.’s Wooing of Sex, Pain, Death, and the Editor. Romanticism on the Net, Issues 29-30, February-May 2003, accessed July 2007.
Lawford, Cynthia. “The early life and London worlds of Letitia Elizabeth Landon., a poet performing in an age of sentiment and display.” Ph.D. dissertation/ New York: City University, 2001.
Landon, Letitia Elizabeth. . The Poetical Works of L.E.L. Ed. W. B. Scott. London: George Routledge & Sons, 1873.
Landon, Letitia Elizabeth. Selected Writings. Ed. Jerome J. McGann, and D. Reiss. Broadview Literary Texts, 1997.
Matoff, Susan. Conflicted Life: William Jerdan (1782-1869). London Editor, Critic, and Author. [Complete text in the Victorian Web]
ní Fhlathúin, Máire. "India and women's poetry of the 1830s: Femininity and the picturesque in the poetry of Emma Roberts and Letitia Elizabeth Landon." Core Open Access. Web. 19 July 2020.
Sypher, F. J. Letitia Elizabeth Landon, A Biography. Ann Arbor, Michigan: Scholars’ Facsimiles & Reprints, 2004, 2nd ed. 2009.Sypher, F. J., ed. The Letters of Letitia Elizabeth Landon. Delmar, New York: Scholars’ Facsimiles & Reprints, 2001.
Sypher, F. J. The Occultation of Letitia Elizabeth Landon., 1999.
Last modified 26 July 2020