Patrick Regan has kindly shared the material from his George Heath site with readers of the Victorian Web, who may wish to consult the original.

Biographical Materials
- Complete text of 1870 edition of Poems
- Poemsadded in the 1880 edition
- Differences between the Two Memorial Editions
Critical Reception and Reputation
- "George Heath, The Moorland Poet" an article by Robert Buchanan from Good Words, March 1871
- "George Heath. The Staffordshire Moorland Poet" — an article by the Rev. George Bird, M.A. from Great Thoughts, c. 1891
- "The Moorland Poet" Chapter XXV of Staffordshire Worthies by Frederick Wm. Hackwood, 1911
- "George Heath" from Staffordshire Poets, 1928
- "Horton" from Arthur Mee's Staffordshire
Tributes by other poets
- "George Heath, The Moorland Poet" by Elisha Walton
- "An Elegy. On The Late George Heath>" by Elijah Cope
Last modified 1 December 2023