- No Name on the effects of the Railway Mania of the 1840s
- The Moonstone and British India
- Detection and Disruption inside and outside the 'quiet English home' in The Moonstone
- Detection and Surveillance of the Colonial 'Other' in The Moonstone
- Dispersal of 'detective business' in Collins's Surveillance Society
- Imagined Geographies: Representations of the Orient in Three Nineteenth-Century Novels (Austen, BrontEuml;, Collins)
- Collins's representation of the 'cursed Indian jewel': Orientalism in the sensation novel
- Collins's "A Sermon for Sepoys"
- "The Prison in the Woods" ("The Perils of Certain English Prisoners")
- The Imperial Context of "The Perils of Certain English Prisoners"
The Imperial Context and Attitudes toward Race
- The British Empire: An Introduction
- The British Empire: An Overview
- Victorian India: An Overview
- Race and Class Overview
Last modified 3 October 2007