Isaiah and Jeremiah
Designer: William Butterfield
Firm: Heaton, Butler and Bayne
North Chancel stained glass window
St Mary Magdalene Church, Enfield
This chancel window is one of the original ones in the church, made up to designs by the architect William Butterfield himself. Both windows on the north side of the chancel feature prophets of the Old Testament, and are in a similar style, using similar colours. This one shows Isaiah with the burning coal that the seraphim gave him in a vision (Isaiah 6, 6), and Jeremiah with his more conventional prophet's attributes of a quill and scroll. It is dedicated to the memory of Philip Meller Twells and his wife Mary, who both died in their eighties, in 1863 and 1877 respectively. These were the uncle and aunt of Philip Twells, in whose memory the church was built.
Photograph by John Salmon, and text by Jacqueline Banerjee.