Richmond chose to abandon the flat surface of mosaicists like Salviati, in favour of a more vibrant treatment, based on the use of jagged, irregular glass, set at angles to the plaster, so that it would catch the light. He chose this approach after studying Byzantine and early Christian work in Ravenna, Monreale and Rome. — Explore St. Paul's Cathedral
- Orpheus (prefiguring David)
- Demeter (prefiguring Mary)
- The Annunciation to Mary
- The Annunciating Angel
- Christ in Majesty seated on the rainbow
- Christ and the Tree of Jesse
- Angel guardian
- Satan tempting Eve
- Adam and Eve in the Garden of Eden
- Adam and Eve in the Garden of Eden after eating the apple
- Angels with castles
- The Days of Creation: God creates the creatures who live in the seas
- The Days of Creation: God creates the animals that live on land
- The Days of Creation: God creates the seas.
- The Days of Creation: God creates plants [the Garden of Eden?]
- The Days of Creation: God creates birds
- Angels
- The Days of Creation: God creates plants (3)
- Angel clad in golden armor
- Angel clad in golden armor with spear
- Jesus holding wheat sheaves
- Jesus the Good Shepherd

Mosaics (from the 1897-98 Magazine of Art)
- Cartoons for the Mosaics (photographed in Richmond's studio)
- The Persian Sybil
- Melchizedek
- Satan tempting Eve
- Creation of the Bird (detail)
- Angels and prophets
Baldry, Alfred Lys. “The New Decorations of St. Paul's by Sir W. B. Richmond, R.A..” Magazine of Art. 22 (November 1897-October 1898): 12-18. Internet Archive version of a copy in the University of Toronto Library. Web. 26 October 2014.
“Mosaics at St Paul's Cathedral, London.” Joy of Shards. Web. 11 July 2013.
“Mosaics in the Quire.” Explore St. Paul's Cathedral. Web. 11 July 2013.
Last modified 27 October 2014